Saturday, May 01, 2004

Just watched 'Shaun of the Dead' and was amazed by how true a depiction of the world it holds today - the people we interact with in our lives are zombies in many respects and if we look into ourselves can see it in us too. Bristol is as good as any a place to analyse this Globalisation / McDonaldization / Rationalisation. The social spectrum of this world has been "disenchanted" (Max Weber), it has lost its meaning. I see students engaging in whatever satisfies them: drug culture, sex, clubbing, intellectualism and popularity, similar things can bee seen in the business men and women that walk the streets, and the potential can be seen in the students of Clifton grammar school in their blazers. The education system composed of lectures on enlightenment thought and the pressure of peers seems to lay down an iron cage of world understanding. David Hume arguing for a determinist understanding of human agency says "Above one half of human reasonings contain inferences of a similar nature, attended with more or less degrees of certainty, proprtioned to our experience of the ususal conduct of makind in such particular situations" (David Hume - Enquiry concerning Human Understanding p156 1999 Oxford University Press). It is my belief that the world is now so rationalised that well over half our human reasons for action come from a similar understanding of the world which has numbed us to the life we should all be living. It is now then more than ever that the world need to remember the testimony of a man who lived two thousand years ago and said of himself "I am the way the truth and the life" (John 14: 6) that all might live a life not in a box but in freedom from the slavery of this iron cage that is cast upon everyone.


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